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A sandbox is an isolated test environment used for programming and development in order to test new programs, applications and platforms safely. It allows tests to be carried out without interfering or damaging any other environment and with Production intervention. It’s a protected environment against hacker attacks and fraud, making it very safe to make changes or carry out tests without running any risks.

The aim of this development is for potential SIBS Payment Gateway merchants to become autonomous for most of the integration process and not to overload the SIBS pre-production/testing environment.


Purchase with alias
Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatus CodePostman
FailedOperation was not accepted by the card holderE0500?
FailedInvalid request, data is missing or is invalidE0501?
FailedInsufficient fundsE0113?
Failed – Non-existent aliasThe provided alias has an invalid formatE0504?
Failed – Non-existent aliasThe provided alias does not existsE0506?
Authorised Payments
Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatus CodePostman
Oneclick – SuccessCreation000?
Oneclick – SuccessPayment000?
Oneclick – SuccessRefund000?
Oneclick – SuccessCancelation000?
Oneclick – FailedCancelationE0520?
Oneclick – FailedPaymentE0518?
Subscription – SuccessCreation000?
Subscription – SuccessPayment000?
Subscription – SuccessRefund000?
Subscription – SuccessCancelation000?
Subscription – FailedCancelationE0520?
Subscription – FailedPaymentE0518?


Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatus CodePostman
Pay Reference – SuccessSuccess000?
Expired Reference
Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatus CodePostman
Expired Reference – FailedPayment reference is cancelledE0612?
Pay previously paid Reference
Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatus CodePostman
FailedPayment reference already paidE0613?


Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatusCodePostman
FailedInvalid card data. Card number, CVV or expiration date is invalidE0700?
FailedInvalid cardE0701?
Result StatusStatus DescriptionStatusCodePostman
Generation – SuccessSuccess000?
Purchase – SuccessSuccess000?
Generation – FailedSIBS Internal ErrorE9999?
Purchase – FailedInvalid cardE0701?

Getting started

Step 1: Register on Sandbox
Step 2: APIs Documentation
Step 3: Support Tickets (only in Test/Production environment)
Step 1: Register on Sandbox

The Sandbox environment
The SIBS API Market Sandbox is a Developers Portal environment where you can access technical documentation and test the available APIs with dummy data in order to understand if it fits your needs.

How to Register in Sandbox
In the Login Menu, just click on “Register” and fill the data. You will receive an email to activate your account. Sign up now to create an account and get started. It is free to join.

Step2: APIs Documentation

API Documentation
On the API Documentation menu you can find all the available APIs, organized in products. Each product has one or more plans that you can subscribe. To subscribe to a plan you must be logged in. By clicking on any API, you can have access to its technical documentation. The documentation includes a short description of the API, the endpoints for integration, paths, parameters definition and examples in different languages eg. cURL, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, etc.

Open API
By clicking on the Open API menu, you can have access to the API’s yaml.

Register an Application

Before you can use an API you have to register your application in the Sandbox.

  1. Go to menu APPS > Create New App.
  2. When you register an application, the application is assigned a unique client ID and client secret. You must use the client ID and client Secret on the call to the API to identify your application.

Choose the SIBS Payment Gateway 2.0.0 API to integrate


Choose a scenario and “Run in Postman” with your client ID and password.



Step 3: Support Tickets (only in Test/Production environment)

You can open a support ticket when you have a business, functional or technical question that is not clarified in the documentation. Support tickets are classified in business/commercial or technical questions.

Support tickets can only be opened by logged in Developers. Open a support ticket.

Learn more about each payment method