In-App Operative
The in-app operative aims at providing an integrated payment experience for the user who chooses the MB WAY service as the payment method in a Merchant app. This operative allows the communication between the Merchant mobile apps and the user’s MB WAY app, if installed in the same device, and supports the Purchase and Purchase Authorisation operations.
The integrity and security of the relationship between the Merchant app and the MB WAY app is ensured by tokens. This operative is based on a web service (MerchantAliasWSCreate) that allows to request a user
token creation at SIBS FPS. This token is used to invoke the MB WAY app.
The user token (aliasTypeCde ‘010’) may be reused for several purchases and, for this reason, the Merchant shall store the token assigned to the his client. If the Merchant chooses not to store the token, then he must submit a new user token creation request.
This token is not visible to the MB WAY clients and it can only be removed through the MerchantAliasWSRemove web service.
Similarly to the other MB WAY integrations, this operative also includes all validations that ensure the Merchant compliance with the security requirements while submitting user token creation requests.