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This page provides information about the APIs for creating and deleting a terminal.

Create terminal

To be able to make other shop and terminal operations, please check below the available environment endpoints:

EnvironmentURLOperation Method & EndpointOperation Description
PRODapi.sibsgateway.comPOST /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/terminalCreate a Merchant Establishment Terminal resource
CERstargate-cer.qly.site1.sibs.ptPOST /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/terminalCreate a Merchant Establishment Terminal resource
Sandboxsandbox.sibsgateway.comPOST /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/terminalCreate a Merchant Establishment Terminal resource

You need to perform a POST request with the following data:

Merchant-IDStringMandatoryPathID of the Merchant
Shop-IDStringMandatoryPathID of the Establishment
X-Request-IDStringMandatoryHeaderID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party
x-ibm-client-idStringMandatoryHeaderToken that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call

After the request, the API will respond with one of the two status codes:

Status CodeMessageTransactionStatus
000Success“ACT” (Accepted Technical Validation)
999Unexpected Error“RJT” (Rejected)

For more information related to the error messages, please refer to the Error handling section on the Merchant page.

Cancel terminal

To cancel an existing terminal, you can execute a DELETE operation. For this action, utilize the following endpoints:

EnvironmentURLOperation Method & EndpointDescription
PRODapi.sibsgateway.comDELETE /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/teminalDelete a Terminal resource
Delete a Terminal resource
Sandboxsandbox.sibsgateway.comDELETE /sibs/onboarding/v1/sponsored-merchant/{merchant-id}/shop/{shop-id}/teminalDelete a Terminal resource

You need to perform a CANCEL request with the following data:

Header and Path Parameters
Merchant-IDStringMandatoryPathID of the Merchant (required in the path)
Shop-IDStringMandatoryPathID of the Establishment (required in the path)
Terminal-idStringMandatoryPathID of the Terminal (required in the path)
X-Request-IDStringMandatoryHeaderID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party
x-ibm-client-idStringMandatoryHeaderToken that identifies a client organization. It is provided during onboarding process and must be used in every call

After the request, the API will respond with one of the two status codes:

Status CodeMessageTransactionStatus
000Success“ACT” (Accepted Technical Validation)
999Unexpected Error“RJT” (Rejected)