Check out the latest updates for SIBS Gateway, dating back to January 2023.
January 2025
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | A new feature has been added on the Analytics > Reports menu, that will enable Merchants to download settlement/payout reports on demand. This feature provides increased flexibility and transparency for Merchants to access their settlement and payout data. |
Component | Description |
Plugins | New version of the WooCommerce plugin (v2.13.0). |
Component | Description |
Link to Pay, SIBS Backoffice | Errors when attempting to create new payment links for the Romanian Leu (RON) currency have been fixed. |
SIBS Backoffice | Transactions performed in RON are now shown in SIBS Backoffice panel with the correct currency (RON). |
API | Some issuers were declining an unusually high number of recurring transactions, which has now been fixed. |
December 2024
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | SIBS Backoffice is now available in Romanian. |
API | New Decline Code: E0109 – Invalid Request, Requires Authentication. This decline code will be returned in the API response to Merchants for transactions where 3DS verification was required, but which were initiated on non-3DS servers. |
API, Payment Form, SIBS Backoffice | Beta version of MB WAY is now a payment method available on SIBS Gateway. |
API, SIBS Backoffice | Beta version of Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT) of the Unscheduled Credential on File (UCOF) type is now available on SIBS Gateway. A new field (“‘MerchantInitiatedTransaction”’) has been introduced in the Checkout API request, which will allow merchants to set up recurring or UCOF transactions (possible values: ‘RCRR’ – Recurring and ‘UCOF’ – Unscheduled Credential on File). |
Component | Description |
Payment Form | Implementation of http compression in the Payment Form, allowing an improved performance and user experience. |
Component | Description |
Payment Form | SEPA DD form header, in the English version, has been fixed. |
Payment Form | “Other payment methods” dropdown list has been updated with the appropriate colour and format. |
November 2024
Component | Description |
API, SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can now perform total and partial cancellations both via API and SIBS Backoffice. |
Component | Description |
API | Included paymentStatus and transactionTimestamp in SEPA DD Collection API response: { “returnStatus”: { “statusCode”: “000”, “statusMsg”: “Success”, “statusDescription”: “Success” }, “transactionID”: “C5cFcBxNvKeaPXx07Tv0”, “transactionTimestamp”: “2024-11-22T10:20:01.773Z”, “execution”: { “startTime”: “2024-11-22T10:20:01.773Z”, “endTime”: “2024-11-22T10:20:03.324Z” }, “paymentStatus”: “Pending” } |
Plugins | New version of WooCommerce plugin (v2.12.1), which includes fixed payment expiry date in Pay By Link payment method. |
Plugins | New version of Prestashop plugin (v2.2.2) with fixed translations. |
October 2024
Component | Description |
API, SIBS Backoffice | For Link to Pay, Merchants can now generate payment links not only via SIBS Backoffice but also via API. Once the landing page is configured in SIBS Backoffice, the Link Generation API allows Merchants to create payment links and distribute them to customers. The API response will include: • Link ID • Link URL • Link Expiry Date • Timestamp. |
Backend, API | Merchants are now able to receive webhook notifications (via email or URL) for the following operations: • Authorisation Cancellation • Capture • Refund • Recurring Payments. A new parameter, referencetransactionId, will be included in these webhooks, referencing the original transaction ID. Note: Merchants who already have webhook configurations do not need any additional setup. |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Payment Facilitators can export the transactional information in .csv on the Transactions menu. |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can now access customer data (name and email) regarding transactions made with Card and BLIK payment methods. These are the required steps: 1. Log in to SIBS Backoffice. 2. Navigate to Transactions menu. 3. Click on details for the desired transaction. Customer’s name and email can be found under the Customer Information section. This data is also available on SIBS Backoffice reports. |
Plugins | New version of Woocommerce plugin (v2.11.0) with Pay By Link. |
Plugins | New version of Prestashop plugin (v2.2.1) with Pay By Link. |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchant can now correctly use the “Merchant Operation ID” filter on the Transactions menu. |
Component | Description |
API, Backend | Giropay and Sofort payment methods are no longer supported. |
September 2024
Component | Description |
API, Backend, Payment Form | A new Pay By Link solution was launched and requires the following adjustments: • Merchants using API integration must update the payment method on the checkout page from “PBLKV” to “PAY_BY_LINK”, and include the gatewayID element in the “Get Regulations” API Request. Check Integrations > API > Integration guide > Step 1: Create an order for more details. • Merchants using payment form integration must update the payment method on the checkout page from “PBLKV” to “PAY_BY_LINK”. Check Integrations > Payment Form > Integration guide > Step 1: Create an order for more details. • Merchants using plugins (WooCommerce, Prestashop, and Magento) must update to their latest version and manually activate the “Pay By Link” payment method on the plugins Backoffice. Check Integrations > Plugins for more details. • Independently of the type of integration, Merchants need to check the current webhook settings in order to add the new Pay By Link. |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can now access customer’s data (name and e-mail) regarding transactions made with Cards and BLIK. You will find the steps below: 1. Log into SIBS Backoffice. 2. Navigate to Transactions menu. 3. Click the details for the selected transaction. 4. Customer’s name and e-mail can be found under the Cardholder section. This data is also available on SIBS Backoffice reports |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Link to Pay landing page is now available in Polish. |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can now export the Link ID from Link to Pay transactions in SIBS Backoffice. |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can now export the Merchant Operation ID from SIBS Backoffice. |
Payment Form | A new two-step process for SEPA Direct Debits mandate creation was implemented, improving the user experience. You will find the process below: 1. Customer Details Entry Users are required to fill in customer details. 2. Download Mandate Users can “Download Mandate” to review, sign, and save the mandate. 3. Document Upload Users are required to upload the signed mandate and the IBAN proof. 4. Mandate Submission Users submit the mandate for processing. |
Component | Description |
Plugins | Default form language bug on WooCommerce (v.2.10.4) has been fixed. |
SIBS Backoffice | General Dashboard displays the currency corresponding to the Merchant’s country now. This update ensures that users see financial data in the relevant local currency. |
API, Backend | Issues related to the behaviour of Carte Bancaire operations, including capture and cancellations with tokenization, have been resolved. |
API, Backend | The issue related to performing refunds for recurring transactions has been resolved. |
Component | Description |
Plugins | Pay By Link by Kevin has been removed from WooCommerce (v2.11.0). |
August 2024
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can personalise the Link to Pay landing page by setting up: • landing page theme, • merchant logo, • landing page language (options: English, Czech, Dutch, French, German, and Polish). |
Onboarding | New APIs for Sponsored Merchants: • Add payment method: new API to add a new payment method, • Delete payment method: new API to cancel a payment method, • Cancel terminal: new API to delete a terminal. |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | New filters added on the Transactions menu: • Scheme: Visa, Mastercard, Others, • Card Data Entry: Physical, • Payment Method: Card, Token, PAY_BY_LINK, BLIK, XPAY, BNPL, SFRT, GRPY, IDEL, BNCT, SPDD, PY24, • Terminal Type: Web. |
API, Backend | Improved Cartes Bancaires second operations flow: • Card-on-file, • One-click, • Recurring with a fixed period. |
Plugins | Added form language selector in Magento v2.10.2. |
Plugins | Added Open SSL to decrypt webhooks in. PrestaShop v2.1.0. |
Component | Description |
Backend | In SEPA Direct Debit authentication via iDEAL the following issue was fixed: when double-clicking the Create Mandate button, SEPA Direct Debit token data wasn’t being sent in the webhook content. |
API, Backend | Recurring transactions using Cartes Bancaires are now being processed correctly. |
Plugins | Address missing fields bug has been corrected in Magento v2.10.3. |
July 2024
Component | Description |
API, Backend | Capture operations are now available for Cartes Bancaires payments using SIBS Payment Gateway Capture API. Check Transaction types > Capture for more details. |
API, Backend | Refunds and Cancellations operations are now available for Cartes Bancaires payments using SIBS Payment Gateway Capture API. Check Transaction types > Capture and Transaction types > Cancellation for more details. |
API, Backend | Card verification is now available for Cartes Bancaires cards with SIBS Payment Gateway Authorization API. Check Transaction types > Authorization for more details. |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Merchants can now perform Captures, Refunds and Cancellations from Cartes Bancaires payments via SIBS Backoffice. Check SIBS Backoffice > Transactions for more details. |
API, Backend | While calling checkout Status API, before buyer complete the 3DS challenge, the API request will present the Payment Status set to inProcessing. Details on the checkout status API response: “paymentType”: “AUTH”, “paymentStatus”: “InProcessing”, “paymentMethod”: “CARD” |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Corrected recurring payment operations for Payment Facilitators. |
API, Backend | Error while attempting a recurring transaction using Cartes Bancaires was solved. |
June 2024
Component | Description |
API, Backend | Included the card mask (card mask) and card expiration date (expiredate) on the getStatus API response. Details: For card transactions, on the getstatus response will be received. “cardInfo”: { “maskedPAN”: “0000000000”, “expireDate”: “2025-12-01T00:00:00.000Z” } |
API, Backend | Added the Card Authorization Code (cardAccountResponseCd) to the getStatus API response. Details: For card transactions, on the getstatus response will be received. “cardInfo”: { “maskedPAN”: “5185520010”, “expireDate”: “2025-12-01T00:00:00.000Z” } , “cardAccountResponseCd”: “009452” } |
API, Backend | Included the Card Authorization Code (cardAccountResponseCd) on the URL Webhooks content for Card Transactions. |
API, Backend, Payment Form | Users are now able to save iDEAL Payments details using a SEPA DD token. Check Payment methods > Other > iDEAL for more details. |
Onboarding, Backend | Added Cross-border functionality that allows merchants to accept transactions in various geographies and currencies. Check Online payment features > Cross-border for more details. |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Users can now extract transactions from a maximum of 31 days. Check SIBS Backoffice > Transactions for more details. |
Payment Form | Improved UX for the SIBS Payment Form when using payment methods like iDEAL. |
Component | Description |
SIBS Backoffice | Added the Merchant, Store and Terminal filters for Payment Facilitators. |
SIBS Backoffice | Users with Analytics role have now access to Merchant Information |
Payment Form | The “Place field” on the SEPA DD form no longer accepts special characters or copy paste. |
Payment Form, API | Payment Form now accepts .jpg, .png and .pdf for IBAN Proof and Signature Image files Details: On Create Mandate API filecontenttype accepts .jpg, .png and .pdf |
Backend | Updated CreditorBIC and CreditorIBAN to CreditorBic and CreditorIban |
SIBS Backoffice, API | Timeout on the Link to Pay checkout has been corrected. |
May 2024
- Payment Facilitator users in SIBS Backoffice can now view and filter transactions per merchant, store and terminal of their merchants.
- Magento: Added Tokenization option for card payments.
- Magento: Added OneClick option for card payments.
- Improved user experience for BLIK payments.
- SEPA DD Create Mandate API update to accept .jpeg, .png and .pdf documents and BIC value validation in order to ensure that it follows the ISO9362 format.
- Prestashop: Optimization of order processing after payment confirmation.
- WooCommerce: Fixed Oneclick for blocks checkouts.
- WooCommerce: Fixed Tokenization for blocks checkouts.
- WooCommerce: Removed inquiry button on refunded orders.
- Prestashop: BLIK and Card tokens. Only tokens for the selected payment method should appear.
- Prestashop: Fixed abandoned payments that was paid and was shown as abandoned carts. (This occurred when the customer closed the browser before receiving the success message.)
April 2024
- New APIs for Payment Facilitators are now available:
- update merchant: that allow you to update merchant information seamlessly.
- create, update and delete shops: to simplify shop management.
- create new terminal: to streamline the setup process for new terminals.
- Split Payout functionality is now live. The Split Payout enables the SIBS Gateway to divide funds from a single transaction among different accounts, bringing multiple benefits to merchants.
- New decline codes have been introduced to enhance transaction error handling and troubleshooting.
- Magento: Optimization of order processing after payment confirmation.
March 2024
- The beta version of the Cartes Bancaires is now accessible. Cartes Bancaires is the local card system in France and the most widely used payment method in the region.
- WooCommerce, Prestashop & Magento: Added Dutch Translation.
- WooCommerce, Prestashop & Magento: Added Apple Pay and Google Pay.
- The Webhooks Status Codes section has been updated to encompass the full list of codes, incorporating the latest statuses that have been implemented.
- WooCommerce: Improvement so that the webhook URL is consistent with the WordPress configuration.
- WooCommerce: CSS fix where the product title was being removed due to a class with the same name.
- Prestashop: Do not allow generating multiple transactions for the same OrderID.
February 2024
- The Link to Pay feature is now available to use in Production. Link to Pay enables you to accept payments using a unique and shareable link. You can create, manage, and share payment weblinks via various channels, including email, social media, text messages, and more, making it convenient for customers to perform payments.
- WooCommerce & Magento: Do not allow generating multiple transactions for the same OrderID.
- Magento: Hotfix to make plugin work on PHP 7.4 and Magento 2.3.7 again.
January 2024
- You can now accept transactions with Apple and Google Pay through your Plugins.
- WooCommerce: New WooCommerce checkout support (React with block).
- WooCommerce: Optimization of order processing after payment confirmation.
- WooCommerce: Update of English as the default language.
- WooCommerce: Implementation for automatic configuration to support Multisite.
December 2023
- SEPA Direct Debit Beta Version is now available. Within the Single Euro Payment Area, this payment method empowers you to collect single or recurring payments directly from customers’ bank accounts.
- The following payment method is now accessible:
- We introduce the Split Payout functionality, where you can divide transaction values and receive payouts across multiple bank accounts.
November 2023
- For API and Payment Form type of integrations, you can now accept transactions from:
- The following payment methods are now available for use in production:
- Bancontact,
- giropay,
- iDEAL,
October 2023
- The beta versions of the following payment methods are now accessible:
- Bancontact Beta Version,
- giropay Beta Version,
- iDEAL Beta Version,
- SOFORT Beta Version.
- The Beta Version of Link to Pay feature is now available. Link to Pay enables you to accept payments using a unique and shareable link. You can create, manage, and share payment weblinks via various channels, including email, social media, text messages, and more, making it convenient for customers to perform payments.
September 2023
- The beta versions of the following payment methods are now accessible:
- Google Pay Beta Version,
- Apple Pay Beta Version.
July 2023
- SIBS Gateway is now available for the following countries and currencies:
- Netherlands, EUR,
- Spain, EUR.
June 2023
- For BLIK it is now possible to make a payment without a code.
- Virtual terminal is now available on SIBS Backoffice.
- Outgoing email notifications now include a whitelabel solution, enabling to customize the footer message.
- Instant Onboarding is now available. When you onboard a merchant via API, the Client and terminal ID, and Credential Bearer Token are automatically generated and sent to the merchant’s email.
May 2023
- For Card Payment Method it is now possible to store payment card details without a purchase.
- Integration with Magento plugin is now available.
April 2023
- SIBS Backoffice now include a whitelabel solution for merchants.
- SIBS Gateway is now available for the following countries and currencies:
- Romania, RON,
- Czechia, CZK,
- Hungary, HUF,
- Germany, EUR.
March 2023
- WooCommerce plugin now supports OneClick Payment for Cards and Partial Refund;
- SIBS Gateway is now available for the following countries and currencies:
- Estonia, EUR,
- Slovakia, EUR,
- France, EUR.
- WooCommerce plugin is now compatible with PHP8.
- Several improvements on the Payment Form UX/UI.
February 2023
- The Gross Settlement feature is now available, allowing commission deductions to occur only after invoice issuance, as opposed to the daily deductions in Net Settlement.
- SIBS Backoffice is now available in Polish and supports a multi-language solution that enables to translate it to any other language.
- Outgoing messages (email and SMS) are now available in Polish.
January 2023
- Prestashop plugin now supports OneClick Payment for Cards.