Opt for the authorised flow when you wish to charge the customer (fully or partially) only upon the delivery or provision of goods and services. This approach ensures that payments are processed in sync with the fulfilment of orders.
This flow resembles the “one-time purchase” flow, omitting the additional step of capturing the customer’s payment for the goods or services provided.
Before you start
Create the order with the required data and ensure the following information:
- Include the payment type, amount, currency, and allowed payment methods.
- If only card payment is required, include only “CARD” in the transaction.paymentMethod list.
- Verify that the transaction.paymentType has the value “AUTH”.
Generate the transaction
Note that the following request needs an Authorisation Header with the transactionSignature returned from checkout operation.
In this request, the Bearer Token is replaced by the checkout response transactionSignature.
Header parameters
Request parameters
Here’s an example:
"cardInfo": {
"PAN": "5236410030000927",
"secureCode": "776",
"validationDate": "2026-05-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"cardholderName": "Jane Smith",
"createToken": false
Expected Response:
A successful technical response comprises of an HTTP-200 status and a returnStatus.statusCode=”000″.
The paymentStatus in the response informs on whether the transaction itself was accepted, declined, still pending a final result, or requiring additional action to be taken.
- Success: The authorisation has been processed successfully and the customer funds have been validated.
- Declined: The authorisation has been declined.
- Pending: The final result of the authorisation is not yet known. You will need to inquiry on the status of this transaction until it reaches a final state, or you decide to cancel it.
- Partial: The authorisation is partially accepted, but requires additional actions to the completed (e.g. 3D-Secure authentication). The actionResponse element is provided for instructions on how to proceed.